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Rules Changes

Here are some definitions and minor changes from Blades in the Dark.

  • Gambits (variant rule) have been renamed Action Points. They work the same way as Gambits in Scum & Villainy, but you cannot use a Gambit on an action you have max rating in (3 by default, 4 if the crew has unlocked Mastery).
  • Devil's Bargains are renamed Gifts of the Traveler,
  • Scores have been renamed Capers. It's a much pulp-ier word.
  • When calculating Heat after a Caper, only add +1 Heat from killing, and even then only when there are witnesses OR if the victim is an "important" person. Ghosts aren't nearly as much of a problem in Sharn as they are in Duskvol, and the Watch doesn't much care to investigate murders of lower-class people.
homebrew/blade_in_the_towers/rules_changes.txt ยท Last modified: 2022/02/17 14:29 by teddy

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