====== The Lost Expedition ====== {{https://i.pinimg.com/564x/af/f8/46/aff846e7f6a1d38f66196f3ebfff8ea2.jpg}} Sol Udar, the Realm Below, is a vast underground kingdom, the dwarves' ancestral home. The dwarven civilization there was wiped out thousands of years ago, but its riches still remain largely intact. The dwarf clans of the Mror Holds sent explorers, prospectors, and colonists below to seek and extract the magic and wealth that was left behind. Not all was gilded streets and magical wellsprings, however. The reason that Sol Udar fell is still very much active; the Daelkyr lord Dyrrn the Corruptor commands vast forces of twisted monstrosities from his demiplane prison, and his influence spreads even further. Dyrrn's servitors slaughtered and corrupted many outposts and colonies, but mysteriously stopped before reaching the fortified dwarf holds. While the War Below remains in something resembling a stalemate, a strange curse known as the Frenzy has taken hold within several dwarf cities, sending the infected into a murderous rage, spreading the affliction rapidly. To respond to this new threat, the Iron Council has decided to send an expedition into the Realm Below to find and eliminate the source of the Frenzy, and to acquire as many items, weapons, and allies in Khyber as they can to complete their mission. **You are one of those representatives, chosen by one of the clans to accomplish the mission. You were chosen because of your combat prowess (whether through martial or magical means) and your skill and utility in traversing and exploring the unknown depths of Khyber.** * [[homebrew:lost_expedition:creation|Character Creation]] * [[homebrew:lost_expedition:character_questions|PC Questionnaire]] * [[homebrew:lost_expedition:clans|Dwarven Clans]] * [[homebrew:lost_expedition:houserules|House Rules]] Resources: * [[https://scribe.pf2.tools/v/2qF7WjsY-pathfinders-guide-to-eberron|Pathfinder's Guide to Eberron]] * [[https://2e.aonprd.com/|Pathfinder SRD]] * [[https://pathbuilder2e.com/|Pathfinder Character Builder]] * [[https://uofi.box.com/s/sxfyuynnljd791s058yh4h0v6ta4xcm1|Pathfinder and Eberron Book list]] * [[https://www.reddit.com/r/ImaginaryDwarves/|Portrait Resource: Imaginary Dwarves]]